Media Coverage
Hawaii Magazine
Hawaii Business Magazine
Subsurface testing in Saipan
Planning our survey route high in the mountains of Maui
Surveying through dense hau
Historic artifact analysis
Archaeological monitoring
Uncovering a buried tomb in Belize
Investigating a tomb in Okinawa
Identifying a site during survey
Mapping a rock-faced ditch adjacent to a stream
Survey through tall grass
Emerged from the jungle at the coast
Survey high in the mountains of O'ahu
Archaeological monitoring
Survey through tall grass
Excavating a historic feature
Site visit in the mountains
The Keala Pono crew at the end of a long work day
Hiking up a dry riverbed to our project area
Survey through uluhe fern
Excavating in Huahine, French Polynesia
Excavating shovel test pits
Taking a helicopter to work
Subsurface testing in Saipan
Excavating a Mayan site in Belize
Excavating a test unit on Maui
Archaeological inventory survey
Exploring a sinkhole and collecting a GPS data
Subsurface testing on Moloka'i
Site visit in the mountains
Excavating a shovel test pit
Historic artifacts before washing
Taking an ATV to work in the mountains
Mapping using a plane table and alidade
Mapping a historic structure in Honolulu Harbor